The Importance of a Strong Core for Runners

One of the most important concepts to consider when beginning a running program is the foundational basis of a strong core. One of the biggest pitfalls many runners fall into is simply lacing up their sneakers and just racking up the miles. If core strengthening in...

CrossFit: Friend or Foe?

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is a high-intensity conditioning program combining multiple forms of exercise that involve high repetitions and minimal rest. These exercises are grouped into Workouts of the Day (WODs). Per CrossFit’s website: “CrossFit is constantly varied...

The Foot Strike

The recent upswing in popularity of minimalist shoe running (a la “Born to Run”) has been promoting a drastic change in running shoe choices and running form. Minimalist shoes can promote more of a forefoot strike with endurance running, which could be a good or bad...